Struggle To Make Sense of It All free until 23.9.22
To celebrate the launch of Revolution of the Mind, get Struggle To Make Sense of It All for free until 23 September 2022
Revolution of the Mind: buy it now!
Book 2 in The Misadventures of Stank and Bohdrum to launch on 23 August 2022.
Revolution of the Mind: Inspirations and Resources
With the launch of Revolution of the Mind fast approaching on 23 August 2022, I feel it’s a good time to announce its main themes by way of a pseudo-bibliography.
What are stories and why do we need them?
These two questions probably sound like they have even more obvious answers than ‘What is science and why do we need it?’ But the sheer amount of stories we engage with nowadays, the many different forms they take, and the immense differences in how our individual minds perceive and process them, makes it just as complicated to answer neatly.
What is science, and why do we need it?
It sounds obvious, doesn’t it? But the definitions we have of “science” in our individual minds are all very different – and perhaps far more complicated – than the reality.